We have been involved in advising on several large-scale mining transactions which involved the drafting of due diligence reports, as well as advice on structuring of the transaction. We have also advised various mining houses on financing options with respect to mining operations. Furthermore, we are engaged in the contractual aspects of natural resources rights. Our Extractive Industries department encompasses transactions and services along the extractive industries value-chain, whether advice is sought on prospecting, Surface Rights agreements are negotiated and drafted land owners and holders of mineral rights, or commercial transactions are structured further downstream from a mining operation, the department is capable of assisting a client to best structure their interests. We are fortunate to maintain good connections with different stakeholders in the Industry and can facilitate a wide array of transactions. At FQP we understand that in the world of mining and minerals, securing the rights of the client is of the utmost importance not only to safeguard property and vested interests, but to secure projects which require large scale and long term capital investment.
FQP has established a dedicated capacity for this field of Law and specialises in legal compliance and the processes of the Mining, the structuring of commercial transactions related to mineral rights, and litigation of contractual disputes as well as disputes of right which occur along the value-chain. The team consists of four qualified Attorneys each providing their own services within the department, namely: Jens Roland, Chris Gouws, Jerome Gaya (contact person) and Floris Coetzee.
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Aliquam suscipit turpis eget rutrum aliquam. Donec vestibulum libero ut porttitor iaculis. Sed a mauris eget purus laoreet suscipit. In ac blandit neque. Donec blandit ullamcorper elit, quis ornare libero pulvinar eu. Curabitur finibus lacus ut ornare elementum. Aliquam consectetur magna id augue pulvinar commodo. Duis finibus pellentesque libero, ac euismod massa interdum ac. Praesent fermentum nulla et nulla viverra, vel fermentum enim vestibulum. Sed ex ex, vulputate quis ante quis, malesuada congue velit.
B.Juris (University of Namibia), LLB (Honours) (University of Namibia)
(Contact Person)
B.Poc (Rand Afrikaans University), Dip-Labour Law (Rand Afrikaans University)
B.Acc (University of Stellenbosch), LLB (University of Stellenbosch)
B.comm (University Of Potchefstroom), BLC (University of Pretoria), LLB (University of Pretoria)
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