Companies tend to administer their own debt collection procedures up to a point, whereafter there comes a time when a proverbial “line must be drawn”. In such instances Fisher, Quarmby & Pfeifer can be of assistance. Our debt collection department specializes in any and all collection matters to ensure recovery of any outstanding debts which have become due and payable.
We attend to the entire process from letters of demand, issuing of summons, obtaining judgments up until the execution process in which the outstanding amount, interest and costs are recovered. This may also include restructuring the payment terms of the debt by way of an acknowledgement of debt, added surety clauses or safeguarding certain security.
Whilst it could be advantageous to accommodate some debtors, given the current financial circumstances, one must bear in mind that debts generally prescribe after a period of three years after the debt became due. It is therefore important to ensure that your collection procedures are in place.
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Aliquam suscipit turpis eget rutrum aliquam. Donec vestibulum libero ut porttitor iaculis. Sed a mauris eget purus laoreet suscipit. In ac blandit neque. Donec blandit ullamcorper elit, quis ornare libero pulvinar eu. Curabitur finibus lacus ut ornare elementum. Aliquam consectetur magna id augue pulvinar commodo. Duis finibus pellentesque libero, ac euismod massa interdum ac. Praesent fermentum nulla et nulla viverra, vel fermentum enim vestibulum. Sed ex ex, vulputate quis ante quis, malesuada congue velit.
LLB (University of South Africa)
(Contact Person)
B.Poc (Rand Afrikaans University), Dip-Labour Law (Rand Afrikaans University)
B. Proc (University of Orange Free State), LLB (University of the Orange Free State)
B.Juris (University of Namibia), LLB (Honours) (University of Namibia) (Rhodes University), LLB (Rhodes University)
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